Discover Your Uniqueness for Faith Sharing
Sharing your faith can be challenging! Many Christians feel inadequate for doing this. Some of the reasons include:
- Fear of failure
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of "not knowing enough"
- You want to be seen as "respectful"
- You don't feel "gifted" or equipped to share your faith
There are many reasons that hinder Christians from sharing their faith. Can you relate to any of these? If so, you're not alone! Many Christians struggle with feelings of inadequacy for faith sharing.
If you desire to be faithful to God's calling for faith sharing, you can change, be empowered and fulfilled in communicating your faith.
You can change from feeling...
- fearful of failure to trusting that it's God's responsibility to change
people's hearts. Your responsibility is to love and share with others.
- like you don't know enough to trusting that what you do know is what the Holy Spirit desires to be shared.
- inadequte for faith conversations to feeling confident.
- that you'll be seen as being disrespectful to sharing in your unique way which is a blessing to others.
You are a unique creation of God! You have been given a unique set of gifts and talents from which to live, love, and share.
The first step in overcoming your faith sharing challenges is learning how God has uniquely created you.
Take your first step towards becoming empowered for faith sharing. Sign-up to take the free, 5 day course, Discover Your Uniqueness for Faith Sharing.