“I’ve tried and failed and it’s just not me.”
“I want to share, but I just can’t do it!”
“I don’t have the gift of evangelism.”
Can you relate? If so, you’re not alone and I can help! I’m an author, coach, and speaker who helps Christians understand their unique talents, develop their gifts and feel empowered so that they can live and share as God challenges and calls them.
Faith sharing doesn’t have to be negative. It can be an incredibly positive experience. Faith Conversations, reveals how each person is a unique creation of God, designed to do great things, including faith sharing. Discover your own special design by God, to empower your faith sharing! Using this design will give a great feeling of accomplishment.
Experience a joy-filled life, including moments of faith sharing! Learn about God's unique design in you for serving, sharing, and faith conversations.
> Explore God's unique creation of your personality.
> Learn to celebrate and live out of your uniqueness.
> Join a Facebook community of other Christians seeking empowerment for faith sharing.
> Receive weekly messages of encouragement and empowerment.
> Check-out the button below to learn more and receive a free 5-day course!
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I can’t imagine a more practical tool than “strength-finders” for helping believers engage in faith conversations. Jeff Glass has given the church a wonderful gift by writing this book. Its content is both biblical and research based. I believe it communicates a genuinely transformational concept.
Former President of Converge Worldwide
Lead Pastor, Lifebridge Church

Nazarene Strengths Institute
Point Loma Nazarene University

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"#FaithConversations, @jeffglass’s new book, is out now. It’s an empowering book for sharing your faith. Grab it today"